Living Waters Magazine Nr. 31
January - February 2005


When begin this year of 2005, with deep gratitude in our hearts to our God for the grace granted during these years to take this task ahead. We are surprised when we see how this small spiritual service can be carried out by such common people and with so few resources. Without a doubt, the grace of God is that which makes it possible.

In order to complete the objectives of the magazine in a better way, we have introduced some modifications. We also hope this year to continue incorporating servants of God from other countries into the team of permanent co-workers from the magazine -recently we have invited the Colombian worker Gino Iafrancesco - in order to help the integration of Christ's body, in Latin America as in the rest of the world.

We therefore expect to improve the purpose that "Living Waters" has; that is, the edification of Christ's body, in each country and town where the Lord enables us to reach.

We commend this work to the unfading grace of God and to the power of His might, in order to be able to do it as is worthy of the Lord. May the Lord help us.



Consecration is the believer's response that he has been touched by the love of God.
Stephen Kaung
True Consecration
No consecration is possible outside of Christ, outside of His Spirit or outside of the communion of Christ's Body.
Gino Iafrancesco
Consecration and the Breaking of the Soul
Without the breaking of the soul there is no assurance that our consecration is spiritual.
Rubén Chacón
The Divine Aspect of Consecration
Before the believer is consecrated, God attracts us toward Him.
Eliseo Apablaza


Consecration is a miracle of grace.
Andrew Murray
Consecration to God
A message based on Abraham's life.
C.H. Spurgeon
Prayer and Consecration
The spirit of consecration is the spirit of prayer.
E.M. Bounds


The Goings of God
Studies on Exodus.
J. Alec Motyer
What Is His Name?
The Son of God.
Harry Foster


Instructing With Fear
About the necessity of instructing children in the way, but waiting on the grace of God.
Cesar Albino


The Faith of a Child
A wonderful true story.
Helen Roseveare


Tasters from the King's Table
Letters from our Readers

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