Letters from our Readers

Christian herald

You are all a good tool with which the Lord is working. I frequently visit the webpage "Living Waters". The magazine is a Christian herald that bears a divine knock on the doors of hearts. So I will endeavor that other people read it as I am certain they need a good push toward the faith. Well done for getting the right focus. May God bless you greatly, and may the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ continue helping you to work in the restoration of the Christian churches.

Antonio Barceló Roldán Málaga (Spain).


I have followed your page on the Internet with great interest, be it the messages in audio, the edifying music in MP3, or the rich information coming from the word of the Lord. I have been comforted and consoled in the God and Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Juan Emilio Pino.

Worship and adoration

It is an immense pleasure for me to have been able to navigate onto your page. It has been of great blessing. I am from Costa Rica but I have been living in Germany together with my wife and our three children for a year. I have taken the liberty of downloading all your worship and adoration music. I want to express my deepest admiration and joy for the love, the spirit and the truth that the brothers and sisters who play and sing.

Jörg Tegethoff (Germany).

For Japan

I am very grateful for the shipment of your magazine which has a very good presentation and content. May God continue to bless you. I would also like to publish some themes here in our magazine in Japan for the Hispanic public, placing the source from which they were taken (Living Waters) and also linking your webpage to it. I thank you for your kindness. In Christ's love.

Laelso da Silva Santos (Japan).

All blessings come from God; therefore, all the glory is for God.

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