The Eternal Counsel Of God

A birds-eye view of the books of Genesis and Revelation

By Christian Chen


In the Rucacura Conference (Chile), January 2004, brother Christian Chen shared a series of five messages about "The eternal counsel of God: A birds-eye-view of the books of Genesis and Revelation." During those days, brother Chen was used by God to open the Scriptures and to lead the brethren toward a wonderful view of God's purpose in Christ Jesus.

The purpose of God is to sum up all the universe in Christ, the Lamb who was slain, in the fullness of the times. His throne will be the centre of the universe in the future ages to come. This purpose of God's is revealed to us in the Scriptures, especially in the first and last books of the Bible: Genesis and Revelation. The Lord Jesus said, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last." Correspondingly, the Alpha book and the Omega books of the bible - Genesis and Revelation - speak to us of this eternal purpose, from its beginning to its fulfillment.

By uniting and comparing these two books, especially the first chapters of Genesis and the final chapters of Revelation, one can see how the compliment and explain one another, creating a mirror symmetry; a one to one correspondence. Thus these mysteries are clearly revealed, like those of the Garden of Eden, the wedding of Adam and Eve, the tree of life, the serpent, Babel, Nimrod, the battle of Abraham against the four kings, among many others. We need Revelation to interpret Genesis, the author will tell us. In the same way, we need Genesis to interpret Revelation. This is an important lesson that the symmetry between these two books of the bible will teach us.

We ask the Lord that, in His grace, He would use these messages, which have been transcribed, to the glory of His name - because of Him, and by Him and for Him are all things - and for the edification of His beloved, the Church.

The Editors


1 A Heavenly Vision
2 Symmetry between Genesis and Revelation
3 A Tragedy on Planet Earth
4 Beginnings in the Enemies' Territory
5 The Fulfillment of the Eternal Purpose

These messages were transcribed from audio recordings and lightly edited only in order to bring greater clarity to the text, but always maintaining its original spoken form. All quotations from the Holy Scriptures are taken from the NASB, except where otherwise indicated.

Editing: Jairo Dos Santos & Eliseo Apablaza Temuco (Chile), August 2004.

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