Living Waters Magazine Nr. 50
March - April 2008

The Prophetic Word

The prophetic word always brings us back to the heart of God, to his eternal will.

What is the will of the heart of God, what is He doing today? The Bible says: "For the Lord God will do nothing, without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets" (Amos 3:7).We give thanks to God for his prophets and for the prophetic word that he gives us through them.

What meaning do Isaiah 61 and 62 have for the church today? How does chapter 12 of the book of Revelation affect us? What do certain ancient ordinances on priestly garments have to do with us? Do the battles that Israel fought serve as an illustrative type for our own battles? Why did the prophetic ministry go hand in hand with the apostolic ministry in the days of Paul? If there is prophecy in Paul's writings, what should we take from it by the Spirit at this time?

We remember the apostle's words: "And these things happened to them as an example, and they are written to warn us, upon whom the ends of the ages have come" (1 Corinthians 10:11). "Because the things that were written in earlier times, were written for our instruction" (Rom. 15:4).

How easily we get distracted from the things that are essential to entertain ourselves with those that are superfluous. How common it is that we forget to focus on the Lord and focus instead on men.

In this issue of "Living Waters" -the number 50, the number of jubilee- we put before our readers a series of prophetic messages that the Lord is speaking to his people. We do it with the hope that His word be as a mirror, fountain and light; as a sword, fire and hammer; as bread, milk and honey, so that His people are always turned towards Him in submission and obedience.



For the Love of Zion
The impassioned call of God in Isaiah 62 has full application for the church today.
Gonzalo Sepúlveda

The Consummation of the Mystery of God
The role of the "male child" in the end times.
Rodrigo Abarca

Grace and Kingdom
The gospel gives us a perfect synthesis of grace and the kingdom.
Roberto Sáez

Serving without Sweat
To do His work, God does not need man’s efforts.
Rubén Chacón

The Manifold Wisdom of God
The multifaceted expression of Christ is made wonderfully visible in the church.
Eliseo Apablaza


Tasters from the King's Table
Our Reader's Letters

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