
Gratitude to the Lord

I give thanks to our Lord for the magazine. It is a menu of delicious dishes that I can enjoy every day. It is my recreation during my working day and spiritual entertainment on the weekends.

Miguel Ángel Guataquí (Colombia).


Infinite thanks for such a beautiful website, Aguas Vivas. It is truly a source of refreshing, refined and life-giving waters. I admire your dedication and effort. It is not easy to do everything you do to maintain this space. All the messages and reflections are an inexhaustible source of edification. I want to tell you that you have been a powerful influence in our walk with God because we can perceive that the Holy Spirit is guiding you in this beautiful service. May God continue to bless your lives, your families, and may you continue to be a powerful instrument in His hands.

Marta Canales (USA).

Daily meditations

You have no idea how grateful I am to the Lord for raising up your ministry on the Internet. Almost every day I have been reading your daily messages for a little more than two years. They are a spring in the desert. Your ministry has been such a blessing that we often recommend visiting your site.

Daniel Iván Reyes (Mexico).

Songs on the web

It's amazing! You do not speak like most others. You know that God hides Himself in simplicity, and by what you write and sing, you enjoy the Beloved. It is really a joy to listen to you. I would love to be in touch with you.

Christian Ibarra (Mexico).

All blessings come from God; therefore, all the glory is for God.

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