

Those of you in Chile are giving a true and faithful testimony of our beloved Lord and Savior, and are carrying out your work diligently. May the light that is shining continue to shine before men, "so that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." We thank the Lord because you are collaborating in His work and displaying that light.

Cecilia and Maria Cecilia Dominguez. Spain.


I am writing again as I did a few years ago. The magazine, thanks to God, is getting better and better. For the moment I read it on the internet. Over here, I have always had the desire to edit a magazine to reach the lost in Las Vegas. I would like to know if I could have permission to use some of its articles. I would be interested in your help.

Carlos Dario Allietti, USA.


I am writing to encourage you for all the dedication you have put into your website and its contents. It is a blessing that you have such a clear interpretation of the word of God and that you can share it freely with other brothers in Christ. This page has been a great blessing for me and I am sure for many other people as well. In fact, some brothers from the church have got together for a day to have a look at the magazine which is sent out to one of the sisters here. We love you very much in the Lord's love.

Pablo Vela, Costa Rica.


I've been reading the magazine and finding such richness in its contents, that if all the brothers could see with a simple and humble spirit, we could understand each other better and at the same time rebuild the ruins of the house of God.

Germán Cárdenas Soler, Colombia.

All blessings come from God; therefore, all the glory is for God.

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