Tasters from the King's Table

The deaf mute

On one occasion they brought a man before the Lord who was deaf and mute. The Lord proceeded to do something unusual: he took the man to one side and performed a strange ceremony: he put his fingers in the man’s ears and then he spat and touched the man’s tongue. He then prayed with a sigh and commanded healing (Mark 7:32-35).

This man represents all of us with regard to our condition before God. The man is deaf, he cannot hear God; he is mute, he cannot speak clearly with God. All that he can stumble upon to say are hypothetical ideas and assumptions.

A man can hear many voices. He can make beautiful speeches, but without the presence of God in either of these.

Jesus came for this reason: to heal our ear so that we can hear God; to touch our tongue so that we can talk with God. Our incapacity was absolute; our efforts were in vain; it was all philosophizing and empty words.

Now, in Christ, through the miracle of the new birth, we have heard God and we have been enabled to speak with God.

However, there is still a second deed that God needs to do in us so that we can hear what God has to say others, and so that we can speak what God has to say to others.

The first miracle enables us to be before God, to hear Him and speak to Him. It’s a miracle that happened only once and blessed our own life.

This second miracle occurs continuously and means that God awakens our hearing each morning to hear like wise men and then permits us to speak as wise men speaking words to the weary. (Isaiah 50:4)

The objective behind this work of God is to bless, through us, men and women who are weary and burdened. When we have received the word from God, we can present it before others, so that they may also be healed.

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