

We have been enjoying the recent Conference. Thank God for what He is doing in these days. I've seen  the video messages four or five times. We join together in the mind of the Spirit in these messages that are so rich and edifying. May God continue to use these vessels for the glory of the One who deserves all the glory, honor and excellence.

Rodolfo Romero, USA.


I am reading the daily devotions that you are posting and they are a great blessing to me. Among many other devotionals that could be found online, yours is the best I've read. Glory to God for that and thank you for publishing and for the work which it implies. I send greetings in the Lord, thanking Him that He is using you to bring blessing to our lives each day.

Alfredo Caravaca, Spain.


You cannot imagine how much of a blessing your magazine Living Waters has been to my life (and to many whom I forward it to). Almost every day the Lord speaks to me through it, watching over and directing my steps in this beautiful walk along His pathway. I pray to our heavenly Father to continue to grow your Web ministry, as it serves as spiritual food for so many people in the remotest corners of the globe. A big hug from Paraguay, far away geographically, but united in one body.

Ruben Yebrán, Paraguay.

Fresh Word

How pleased I am to know about this ministry. I do not have Internet access, but when I can get access to the network, I will have a look at the site. The solidity of your teaching produces much satisfaction in my heart, and especially the vision of providing a fresh word from God to the church.

J. C. R., Cuba.

All blessings come from God; therefore, all the glory is for God.

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