Living Waters Magazine Nr. 43
January - February 2007

Recovering for God

We begin a new year of the magazine Living Waters. We thank God for sustaining us up to this point. We have had seven years of blessing, being able to touch so many brothers with the word and the testimony, and to share what we have received from our Lord Jesus Christ.

We feel that God is doing something precious throughout America and the world. All the time more bonds of fellowship with brothers of different countries and languages are forming, overcoming the differences, all united, simply and gloriously, by the life of Christ and the fellowship of the body in the Spirit.

It would seem that, thanks to the advances in communications and transport, borders have lost their relevance. We praise the Lord for His work in countries as diverse as Eritrea and Bolivia, Spain and Brazil, Colombia and Rumania. Thanks to the Lord for our brothers in Mexico, Cuba, the United States, England, Argentina, Paraguay and Aruba; in all of these, united by bonds of love and revelation of Jesus Christ, we see the advancement of the purpose of God for the church at this time.

It is wonderful for us to see the work of God in our brothers throughout the world. All having the seal of the Spirit, and preaching the sufficiency of Christ and the centrality of the cross. All hoping for the restoration of the church before the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. We ask the Lord to bless the contents of these pages in the hearts of our appreciated readers.



Lights in the world (2)
What is the testimony of Christians in the world?
Christian Chen

From the cross to glory (2)
The Christian walk exemplified in the patriarchs of the Old Testament.
Hoseah Wu

Christ, the unshakeable Rock
The wisdom to build the house on the rock.
Celso Machado


The way of recovery
The way of recovery is the way of spiritual strength.
T. Austin-Sparks


What is His name?
Harry Foster


Tasters from the King's table
Our reader's letters

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