Letters from our Readers

In the same spirit

I am a brother in Christ, in a small and young church. One day I found some precious material to share with the brothers and my heart was burning such that I printed copies and we read them together. The Holy Spirit truly guided every word. It is a great blessing. Brothers, it is admirable to be able to discern that all the glory is given to the Lord. I believe that we are in the same spirit and revelation of the gospel. May you continue with this work which has been such a great blessing to us. The Lord bless you with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places.

Ambrosio Camps (Spain).


I have to tell you that the message “The Apostasy which is coming” published on the Internet, has opened up a little more for me the overall picture of how a large part of the Lord's church is walking and how the apostasy is already in effect. I pray that the Lord may have mercy on the church and guide us into all truth and righteousness. May God make has face to shine on you, and make you grow in the knowledge of the fullness of His will.

Adrián Neyoy (México).


The magazine 'Aguas Vivas' has been a precious instrument used by the Lord to edify my heart. All honour and glory be to our Lord Jesus Christ and may his beloved church be built up. I pray that our God may strengthen all the brothers who are involved in this valuable work.

Tomaz Germanovix (Brasil).


The magazine doesn't only please us but it builds us up. We share it, study it, and we find support and rest in the Lord. If your desire is that the Christian world may be strengthened and trust in His word, then I hope that it may be so - especially when one hears about what He has done in the lives of these men who are ambassadors and servants of Jesus Christ.

A.D.E. (Cuba).

All blessings come from God; therefore, all the glory is for God.

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