Letters from our Readers

Thank you

I thank you very much for the magazine. I appreciate and value it a lot, and I give thanks to God for allowing me access to the knowledge that God in His grace revealed to His servants by His Spirit. I feel honoured to be able to share with you through the pages of Living Waters.

Roberto Chávez (Paraguay).

Watchman Nee

I want to thank you deeply for what you do for the servants of the Lord. This week we have begun to study our brother Watchman Nee's writings here. It is a great blessing. I thank God because there are ministries on the earth such as yours that give us the spiritual food that we need. Thank you for everything, for your love towards the servants of the Lord and for your help towards the growth of Christ's Body.

Christiam Arriola Manrique (Brazil).


I greet you with the peace of Christ, and desire rich blessing for your life and for such a beautiful ministry that the Lord has put in your hands for blessing the whole people of God. 'Living Waters' is a powerful tool for the Christian people. You are a ministry which contributes greatly towards the edification of my spiritual life and also for the church in general. Every day I visit the webpage to read all the wealth of revelation and wisdom that you share. I encourage you to keep on going knowing that there is a reward for your work.

Williams Alvarado (Guatemala).


My husband and I are happy about this website that we have just discovered. How beautiful! We love the songs that we can listen to and download. You really love God, because most of the sites sell everything: books and Christian music. Thats the way to evangelize the world, with love and without personal interests.

Hilda & Samuel Villafañe (Argentina).

All blessings come from God; therefore, all the glory is for God.

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