Letters from our Readers


Allow me to congratulate you for the website, which I frequently visit and have recommended to other servants. All that I have found in it has been a great blessing, especially the magazine. I have taken the liberty of sharing the books with other brother and sisters that equally love the Lord and want to know Him. I want to express to you all my affection and support in this task of expanding the knowledge of the only true God.

Jean Paul López (Colombia).


May the Lord continue to richly and abundantly bless the Living Waters team that blesses us through their publications. We want to print a youth bulletin, and for that we want to request permission to publish some articles from your website. Your authorization would result in blessing for our youths and the whole congregation.

Miguel Frías (Dominican Republic).


It is with a lot of joy that we receive the audio messages. They are proving very edifying for our lives. Every time that I listen to the brothers, I remember the apostle Paul, because the words are deep and have of a lot of value. Many thanks to the brothers from Chile for the support that you have given us throughout this time. We feel a great sense of joy, because you have been a great blessing to our lives.

Celio Batista (Aruba).

In jail

I am very grateful for the magazine Living Waters; it is a blessing from heaven. Now I read them in jail; I take them to the brothers and they read them. When they finish they return them to me and I lend them others, because I don't want to part with them. Thank you for everything. May the Lord help you and provide for all your needs.

E.C. (Cuba).

All blessings come from God; therefore, all the glory is for God.

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