Letters from our Readers

Not only Chile

In different cities of Mexico where the brother and sisters meet, the magazine Living Waters has been a great help for the edification of the churches. In different towns, the brothers and sisters choose a day to read in small groups in their homes, and each one expresses the word that God gives him. In the same way, the articles are read in the general meetings. In this way, God has allowed the churches to take advantage of this material, because we believe that it is not only for Chile, but for all the churches in different countries. We give thanks to God for all of you who are working with the Lord in the edification of the church.

David Calvo (Mexico).

Praise songs

We have been very blessed by reading the webpage and also when listening to the beautiful praise songs that the Lord has given to our brothers and sisters from Chile. Personally, when I get into the office I enter the webpage and during the whole day I work with the songs in the background. Several partners (non believers) have asked about the songs; I tell them about the page and occasionally they look at it listen to the songs. The Lord knows how He works!

Lisbeth Ordóñez (Colombia).


Every night when I enter the Internet, the first thing that I look for is www.aguasvivas.cl, not only to read the magazine, but also some books that I downloaded. I feel identified with the form in which you tackle the topics, because never, since my childhood, nor even in the theological college could I find this form of interpreting the Bible.

José Colacilli (Argentina).

All blessings come from God; therefore, all the glory is for God.

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