Letters from our Readers


I serve in a small congregation by the will and the grace of our God. I am a visitor of your Webpage. I have felt very identified with your magazines, which I read and I await with pleasure. I have also read some of your books; they have been of great blessing. It is good to know that the Almighty has preserved many who have not knelt before Baal as promised to his servant Elijah in many nations everywhere.

Jean Paul López (Colombia).

Blessing for Cubans

A friend from my church who receives the magazine Living Waters lent it to me, because there is no Christian literature for sale here, and amongst ourselves we lend one another books. The magazine interested me a lot and I know that it will continue to be a blessing for my life and for other Cubans. I am also a children's teacher, so I would appreciate it if you have any material for Sunday School that you could send.

I. Crespo (Cuba).

Bible study

A sister of ours was recently in Chile, and shared with us about her participation in the 2004 Conference and she brought us some magazines, which we “devoured” with great joy, because we find topics of such edification for us. I have read the bible several times but now that I began again I asked the Lord how to go deeper and I found the Living Waters study of Genesis. How wonderful!

Alba Ramírez (Colombia).


I thank my God for the blessing of having you in my heart and in my prayers, because through you I have received teaching and edification. Continue ahead in this work. For me it is a blessing to know that you are part of me, with all those that love His commandments and His impending coming. I give myself the confidence of speaking to you as well-known brothers and sisters because you have really won the trust of all true Christians.

Jimmy Moreno (Mexico).

All blessings come from God; therefore, all the glory is for God.

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