Letters from our Readers

Water in the desert

"Living waters" has come to be a great incentive for all those of us who await the redemption of the church from the present wicked age, and his restoration. You have been awakening not only many brothers in Latin America but also in the United States. Glory to God who is raising up his testimony from the South Pole. We have had meetings in different cities of Mexico and have spoken about how the saints in the magazine Living Waters have been of great help for the building of the churches of that region. In different localities, the articles of the magazine are read in general meetings and in small groups in different homes. Thanks be to God for all of you.

David Calvo (Mexico).

Young people of Colombia

We are grateful to the Lord for the ministry that the Lord has granted you in the church in Chile so that with this magazine you can take the message of our Lord to the whole world, since they really are living waters as the Lord promised us in his beautiful Word.

Iván Darío Páez (Colombia).

New Things

Firstly, I want to thank your kindness for sending the magazine Living Waters to me, which has been very useful for my spiritual growth and that of my friends, because we have shared such beautiful teachings. I can truly say that our Lord is doing something new in His Chruch. Much of the revelation that you brothers have received in Chile is what the Lord has shown us in Brazil. The Spirit of God is truly opening up new things to us.

Solange Meri Colzani (Brazil).


I found your page through the iglesia.net webpage. It was a wonderful discovery and blessing. I have rejoiced reading much of your work, among which are my favorites: Legacy, Missionary stories, Reports, etc. From what I have read, it is a real blessing for the people of God, because: can there be any greater blessing than to present Christ as all and in all? This is what I see that you are doing. Thank you brothers!

Feliciano Briones (Spain).

All blessings come from God; therefore, all the glory is for God.

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