For the proclamation of the Gospel and the edification of the Body of Christ
Letters from our Readers
We are a group of brothers who are meeting as church. The "Messages of Restoration" have been a great blessing to us, to the point that they are being read and shared in our meetings. The church of the Lord is bigger than we can see with our physical eyes. Your work in the Lord is not in vain. In the south of Spain the Lord has a testimony from which it also now prays for the church in Chile.
Alberto Oliva (Spain).
Biblical messages
Some time ago I had the opportunity to visit your page on the Internet, and regarding this matter I want to mention that I thought it was very, very good. I usually like reading small articles or Biblical messages and those, which I have seen on your page, are excellent. I was personally touched by the studies on Genesis. May these words help and encourage you to continue with his task with the excellence with which you are doing it.
Alejandro Díaz (Argentina).
Christ centric
I am grateful to God for the opportunity to receive your magazine. I have been able to enjoy your deep teachings. In times of such confusion and superficiality it is good to be able to be provided with messages that are so Christ centric and deeply rooted in the Word. May God continue to bless and use you to bring light to the nations and to be co-workers of the restoration of the church of Jesus Christ.
Nicy Luis (Cuba).
Green pastures
My joy and gratitude to God for each one of you is great, although I have not met with you in person. For years I cried out to the Lord to guide me to green pastures and I never imagined that he would show me the biggest blessing since I turned to the Lord in Chile. I ask that he bless each one of the servants who help on this blessed work. I write to you whilst crying for joy. May our good God continue adding overabounding grace on each of you and your families. You are very beautiful vessels for Christ's body.
Pedro Luis Orrillo Flores (Peru).
All blessings come from God; therefore, all the glory is for God.