For the proclamation of the Gospel and the edification of the Body of Christ
Living Waters Magazine Nr. 32
March - April 2005
A Proven Word
The Lord Jesus' intercessory prayer before going to the cross is very-well remembered today, especially by those passages that speak about the unity of Christians.
Without a doubt, there have been and there are many attempts to create unity in different parts of the world, and with different emphases, efforts and results. However, we must recognize that, in practice, actions that go quite contrary to this sense of unity are more abundant than those in favor of it, and with alarming results. So difficult questions to answer arise: why has the prayer of our Lord still not been answered? Will it be answered in the future?
The central messages of this edition of "Living Waters" deal with this topic. These messages were shared at a recent conference between several local churches, in January of 2005, in Chile. The most outstanding feature regarding these is not only the messages in themselves, but the fact that they were given in context of unity, in which Christians from different origins and with a different history have seen the will of God in this respect and are obeying that will.
For them unity is not only a speech given at a certain event about unity, but rather it is an ongoing walk, day by day, with all the inherent difficulties and stumbling blocks, but also with the joy of knowing that they are pleasing the Lord.
These messages are offered now to Christ's Body, with the hope that they may contribute to demolish the walls that so sadly divide it. To them we have added some messages by Christians of the past who preached and dreamt of unity, with diverse amounts of success in their respective experiences.
May the Lord show us His grace to please His heart.
Heavenly Fellowship
Fellowship is the lifestyle that the Trinity has had in eternity.
Roberto Sáez
A Witness of the Eternal Fellowship
John, the apostle of love, is a witness of the eternal fellowship between the Father and the Son.
Marcelo Díaz
The Superior Bond
The glory of Christ's presence in us is the bond that makes unity possible.
Gonzalo Sepúlveda
The Word of the Cross
In Corinth, Paul shows the key to dealing with all problems in the local church.
Cristian Cerda
The Fellowship of the Holy Spirit
The Trinity is the virtue and the model of the fellowship of Christ's Body.
Gino Iafrancesco
Jesus Christ, Both Their Lord and Ours
The way for Christians is not denominations nor organizations, but Christ.
T. Austin-Sparks
The Goings of God
Studies on Exodus.
J. Alec Motyer
What Is His Name?
The Son of Man.
Harry Foster
The Ministry of the Sisters
The woman's place in the order of God, her practical service in the local church, and head covering.
Ellen Wu