Letters from our Readers

"Their voice has gone out to all the earth and their words to the ends of the world" (Romans 10:18).

Dear brothers in Christ in Chile:

Peace and grace be unto you in Christ Jesus our Lord!

We are your brothers from Eritrea a former colony of Ethiopia. we just want to write a letter to you to inform you what a grace we have been received from your ministry website THE LIVING WATERS. Truly it has been a gift from our Lord to quench our spirits. Indeed we were very much blessed by it. I personally opened the Living waters web site every time I sit to surf the internet. May the Lord reward you in the resurrection of the just for what you have been doing to us.

Eritrea is a small east African Country. With a population of 4 Million. It is predominantly Moslem (50%). And the rest (40%) are Greek orthodox, both of them are almost equally hostile to the gospel of our Lord. The born again Christians are very, very few: not more than 1% of the entire population. Besides the government is a pro-communist. In May 2002 the government banned all the Evangelical activities. Church buildings were closed, many brothers were thrown in to jails, and some of them have been systemati-cally tortured, and even killed. Right now the government has imprisoned the key figures of the Evangelical movement. It has also outlawed all evangelical gatherings whether it is at home or in any other place. The government has also launched extensive control mechanism through out the nation, so that not even a single evangelical literature enters the country via any means. As a result it has controlled the postal and other services to control entrance of any evangelical literature. In addition to these all problems we have a long time war with Ethiopia not yet finished. In fact it seems there is some dark time ahead.

Despite all these odds however the Lord has been gracious to us. Although the devil desired to completely cut us out, we have been recipient of God's mercy. We have received grace in His sight, which is why he prepared us a table in the wilderness.

Why did we write this letter after all? We have two reasons. First to let you know that God is not unjust as to overlook your work and the love which you showed for his sake in serving the saints, as you still do (Heb 6:10). As we have mentioned in the introductory verse the voice of your ministry has gone out to all the earth and to the ends of the World!

Second to inform you as well as ask you something related with the content of your ministry website. One of our friends have finished translating our brother Christian Chen's book "The Mystery of His Will". When we first read it we were greatly blessed by its content and we distributed it to all our brothers and ministers as well. But we didn't want to stop there since the majority of our brothers in the Lord does not read and understand the English language we decided to translate it to our native language Tigrinya. Any way a second reason for our writhing this letter is simply ask you a permission for translation and distribution of the contents of your website including the books of our brothers Christian Chen and Eliseo Apablaza F. and the articles of the other workers.

Additionally we want you, to do us a favor to forward our message to our brothers Kaung and Chen. Please forward our greetings and holy kiss to them. Tell them that we do love them and have been very much blessed by their ministry of the Word. Please tell them that brothers from a certain corner of this planet have been very much helped, by the grace of God, through their ministry. They didn't work in vain!

At last we want to ask you where we can find the books of brothers Christian Chen Stephen Kaung or others Via the internet. It is impossible to get it through the postal service for the aforementioned reason.

We hope you will respond soon.

In Him.

Your brothers in Christ in Eritrea, East Africa.

All blessings come from God; therefore, all the glory is for God.

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