Letters from Our Readers

Total death

Your magazine has been a great inspiration and blessing, because I have been able to read something that was already on my heart and which gave me much joy: the Lord is working in the entire world in His true church. Our true service to God should be a service of total death to all our carnality and what's more, to what we think is "good" in us. Every day I am surprised by the terrible things that we are and how far we sinners can go, but like Paul we can exclaim: I give thanks to God for Jesus Christ!

Roberto Luis Arancibia (Cuba).

Wealth of Christ

I have been able to enjoy the unsearchable riches of Christ in these pages, because there are testimonies that make us see that we have to be "wasted" on our Lord Jesus, just like our brothers and sisters Margaret Barber and Watchman Nee, who were a pleasant offering to God. I hope in the Lord that this page continues having this principal of Life.

Cristian Rodríguez (Mexico).


It has been a great blessing for me to read the magazine, since I have grown a great deal spiritually and have a firmer consecration to God. I have cried tears when seeing the revelation that God gives to the brothers who minister the Word. One of the things that I like is that the brothers who present the Word are very united and share the same accord. I congratulate you for that ministry which has been of great blessing at the ends of the earth.

Cristóbal González Martínez (Nicaragua).

All blessings come from God; therefore, all the glory is for God.

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