Letters from Our Readers

Vision of God

I feel very joyful because I can see through its fruits, that the ministry that you have with the magazine is a vision of God, it is His plan, it has His signature. It is beautiful, and it has been a great blessing to me and my wife. We are living in Toronto at the moment. We come from the church in Coatzacoalcos, Mexico. There is a lot of edification in what you write. Could we use some of the articles on our webpage? We have you as our main link.

Fam. Ledesma Gómez (Canada).

In the school of God

It was very edifying for me to have found the Living waters page on the web. I didn't know about you until I received a beautiful postcard from your website. I liked it so much that besides setting it as the wallpaper on my PC, I decided to see where it was from. I was reading some articles, and I added your page to my favorites list. I was especially impacted by the message about Joseph in the school of God. Without a doubt, each word of this special message has flourished from the throne of the Lord for my life. I hope that the Lord may continue blessing and using you so that you continue onward, transmitting the voice of God to your readers.

Nubia Medeiros (Brazil).

Never in vain

I congratulate you for your page on the Internet. Your magazines have been of great blessing, edification and help for my life. Continue onward, and may the Lord make your way prosper. Work in the Lord is never in vain. May he continue blessing and prospering your ministry. I listened to your songs on the web and they have impacted my life because they are spiritual and exalt the Lord. I wanted to ask if you could send me the texts and the chords to help the youths in the church to worship the Lord as you worship him.


For Latin American immigrants

I am New Zealander, and member of the church in Auckland, New Zealand. There are many Chileans in our congregation, even the pastor. One of my tasks in the church is to publish a small magazine for Latin American people in our country; immigrants from Latin America. I am always looking for things from the Internet to reproduce in our magazine (with reference to the source of course). I would like to know if you would allow me to use some of your articles in our magazine from time to time. At the present time I am looking for topics on the Christian family.

Faye Davies (New Zealand).

All blessings come from God; therefore, all the glory is for God.

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