For the proclamation of the Gospel and the edification of the Body of Christ
Revelation and Fellowship
The revelation of Jesus Christ and our fellowship with him allow us to walk in a victorious way.
Rubén Chacón
The Christian life, in essence, consists in knowing and living for the Lord Jesus Christ. It must also be said that Jesus Christ can only be known by revelation of the Father. The Lord Jesus Christ Himself stated this: "No-one knows the Son except the Father." (Matt. 11:27). For that reason, according to the apostle Paul, his life in Christ began when it pleased God to reveal His Son in him (Gal. 1:15-16). This means that, by the exclusive work and grace of God, one day the blessed Son of God was made known to the apostle Paul's spirit and, in that inner encounter with Christ, a new life began.
The initial pillar
Knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ by revelation is, therefore, the fundamental and initial pillar of the Christian life: it is the revelation of a person who, in rigor, only the Father knows; and it is a revelation that happens inwardly. In this way, the mystery of God "that is Christ in you, the hope of glory" is completed in the saints. (Col. 1:27)
Therefore, without an inner revelation of Jesus Christ there is no new life, there is no gospel, there is no truth; there is nothing. Revelation of Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit is the starting point of the Christian life. Why then, in many cases, does this glorious beginning that all children of God who are born again experience, seem not to be enough to live a victorious life? Is Christ's appearance in our hearts perhaps not enough? What other occurrence, apart from the Son of God's birth in our being could we lack? And if the inner revelation of Jesus Christ is totally sufficient, where then is the problem? For how many of us was the firm failure of trying to live the Christian life in the past, in fact due to the absence of an inner revelation of Jesus Christ? But now that that blessed revelation is also our reality, what is the explanation for not living victorious lives? I know that the explanations can be many and very varied, since in this case the maxim that says: "Everything has to do with everything" is certain; nevertheless, I wanted to contribute one that, in my personal life, has allowed me to enter into a new dimension with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Fellowship as a necessity with the Lord
Well, the explanation is this: Without daily fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ, it is not possible to live the Christian life. And the reason is simple: The Christian life cannot be lived without Christ (John 15:5). It is not only necessary to be in Christ in order to be able to live the Christian life, it only is not necessary to live for Christ, but it is also necessary to live with Christ. Many children of God it lack fellowship with that inwardly revealed Christ. Brothers and sisters! The Father revealed His Son to us precisely in order to make it possible to live our lives in daily, continuous and permanent communion with him (1 Co. 1:9). The revelation brought us a living, resurrected, powerful and all sufficient Christ who lives in our being and amid the church. Why? So that from now on we never again live alone and in our own strength. We have to live in fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ. He is a living person in us and in the church. We must, therefore, always speak everything with him; we must depend daily on him; we must wait in faith that every day he will express His life through us. In daily and continuous inner prayer we must die to ourselves so that he might live in us (Gal. 2:20).
Some difficulties
This, however, in my experience has not been easy nor quick, but just the opposite. It is slow, although progressive; but above all it is very effective. The difficulties that all believers will have to face and continue overcoming little by little in the development of a deep and intimate fellowship with Christ will be of varied types. In the internal aspect, one will discover that their spirit, where the Lord Jesus Christ dwells, is a weak and little exercised spirit. Therefore, they will learn how to strengthen their spirit in the power of the Holy Spirit (Eph. 3:16). In the same way, they will learn the importance of the blessed Holy Spirit who is not only a person, but also God. Equally, they will discover that as well as their spirit being weak, their soul, on the other hand, is strong and autonomous. They will find that their greatest problem is in their soul, which is opposed and resists the direction and conducting of the Spirit (Luke. 2:35; Matt. 16:21-23; Acts. 21:10-14). They must therefore accept the fact that their soul needs to be broken if it is to end up being a docile instrument of the Spirit (Matt. 21:44). They will surrender, therefore, to the discipline of the Holy Spirit who will gradually apply Christ's cross to the soul (Matt. 10:38, 39; 16:24,25).
In the external aspect, on the other hand, all believers will fight with their individualism. They will have to learn how to submit and be regulated by Christ's body, since Christ doesn't only live in him, but rather in the whole church. They will also have to prioritize, amid all their activities, those ones that are concerned with ministering to the Lord (Luke. 10:40-42; Acts. 13:2). Christ must be their first task, their first service and their first love (Rev. 2:2-4). Many things will rise up against this, such as a lack of time and many distractions such as television. Lastly, the natural affections of the soul, like love for our relatives, will compete with all their strength to prevent Jesus Christ from being our first love (Matt. 10:37).
For a victorious life
But, finally, in the measure that we continue overcoming these difficulties, Revelation and fellowship will be like two legs that will allow us to walk the Christian life in a victorious way. We will no longer be doing things for him - yet without him-, but rather doing everything with him Hallelujah! (Song of Songs. 7:10-13).