For the proclamation of the Gospel and the edification of the Body of Christ
Tasters From the King's Table.
To Be with Him
In Mark’s gospel we are shown a detail that is not consigned in the other three gospels regarding the choosing of the twelve apostles: “Then He appointed the twelve, that they might be with Him and that He might send them out to preach.” (3:14). The expression that grabs our attention is: “so that they might be with Him.”
This sentence contains the first great vocation of all apostles and of all worker of the Lord : “to be with Him.” There is no invitation to study here, nor even to carry out a certain work, but to be with a Person. How many things would this have meant for those apostles? We cannot know. But there is at least, in this, a sign that suggests contemplation, fellowship and transformation.
“To be with him” is the beginning of everything; it is the source and drive of all God’s work. Man’s condition is too vile so as to be able to begin something from himself. He could not, taking his own vision, resources and initiatives, build a basis for undertaking something for God. It is necessary that he enter into the secret place to contemplate to God. Then, from that contemplation, fellowship will arise. There will be a hearing, a learning, an adoring, and finally it is possible that a “friendship” will finally arise, a term that, being God, may even seem sacrilegious, but which is possible, and is the highest thing to which a man can aspire.
How could one dare to go “to preach” without having first been “with Him?” How could one dare to do the work without first having been sent? The Lord Jesus didn’t send his pupils to preach without having had them with him for some time. This explains why so much work is done that God hasn’t commanded to be done; that’s why there are so many workers that don’t know the model of God’s work.
“To be with him” is not only a demand for those that aspire to serve him, but rather it is a privilege, to which many today are still called. Just like yesterday, he still continues calling those who want to listen, so that they can be with him. Then, if they are able to be still for some time, seated at his feet, ignoring everything else in order to hear him, then he will be able to send them, in due course of time, to do exactly what he wants, and nothing else.