For the proclamation of the Gospel and the edification of the Body of Christ
Living Waters Magazine Nr. 20
March - April 2013
Toward Maturity
God’s purpose with men is not only to save them, but once they are saved, to build them up in the body that is the Church, until all arrive at maturity; at the stature of Christ’s fullness. This work of edification–“sanctification”, “maturity”–in the body is a preparation of the church to participate in the eschatological events that approach. Among them, the bride’s preparation for the Wedding of the Lamb, Christ’s Judgment, the definitive defeat of Satan and Jesus Christ’s millennial Kingdom.
Before being harvested, the wheat must be mature; its ear must droop downward –broken- to receive the beneficent rays of our Sun of Righteousness. In the same way, before being useful in the Father’s house, the heir must reach adulthood.
In this way toward maturity, “the word of righteousness” plays an important role which brings us an increasingly clear revelation of Christ, and of what the Father has given us in him.
The land of Canaan is one of the most beautiful and instructive metaphors of Christ. May the Father grant us a “spirit of wisdom and of revelation” to know its deep meaning, so that we take full possession of That which was given entirely for us and to us.
Three Men Before Canaan
The figures of Abraham, Moses and Joshua before Canaan are symbolic of three Christian attitudes before Christ. Eliseo Apablaza
Principles for Taking Possession
Why, having so great and wonderful a gift as Christ as our inheritance have we not taken hold of Him as our complete delight?
Rodrigo Abarca
Caleb: A Resurrected Life
To serve the Lord, chronological age does not matter, nor other natural circumstances, but rather the principle of resurrection.
Christian Chen
The Riches of His Name
The Lord Jesus Christ’s many names and attributes in the Scriptures are also diverse graces granted to His people.
Roberto Sáez
The powerful work of Christ on the cross put an end to man's three great enemies. This is reason enough to proclaim victory.
T. Austin-Sparks
The Rich Young Man Who Said Yes
N.L. von Zinzendorf, a coherent defender of the unity of all Christians.
Your Eyes Saw My Unformed Body
A recovery of maternity as an act of consecration to God.
Marcelo Díaz