For the proclamation of the Gospel and the edification of the Body of Christ
Letters from our Readers
Songs that touch the heart
On another page web I found a link to the "Aguas Vivas" page and I loved songs, truly they touched my heart. Please, let me know where I can find them here in the United States or if there is some way that I can buy them from over here. I will pay any shipment expense, but please help me to get hold of them. May the Lord Jesus Christ continue blessing you all.
Maria del Rosario Gallegos (USA).
It is a pleasure, brothers and sisters, to be in contact with you once again from the other side of the mountains. Thank you for your generosity of your hearts by sending me each printed edition of "Aguas Vivas." I hope to continue receiving the rich material that you carry out in 2003, sharing Jesus Christ's love through each page that blesses so many brothers and sisters throughout the whole planet.
Luis Rivero (Argentina).
Travel partners
I want to congratulate you with all my heart. The work in Spanish and English elevates the range of material that is being written and that is greatly needed. Christ's Church requires it. All the topics are of much spiritual value. In a Ministry with so much traveling such as the one that the Lord has given us, your magazines are my good travel partners.
Miguel Angel Escobar.
Centered in Christ
I want to congratulate you for your excellent work in favor of the gospel and of ministering to people through your prestigious magazine "Aguas Vivas", and through the great number of edifying messages that are published on the Internet. What has most caught my attention is that you are Christians who are centered in Christ, in his teachings and in what He demands of us today. I also greatly admire the fact that you open your doors to all Christians of the world, not caring about denominations.
Please continue with your excellent work, since it is very necessary in these times. Thank you for allowing yourselves to be a powerful instrument in God's hands, so that the world might know the true God, Christ, and His revelation in the Bible.
Carlos Robles Castro (Mexico).