Living Waters Magazine Nr. 18
November - December 2002

The Last Letter

The Lord's last words to a church are those that he directed toward the church in Laodicea. Of the seven apocalyptic letters, it is the most dramatic and the most painful. Whatever its interpretation be -like an x-ray of the whole of Christianity before the Lord's Second Coming, or as representative of a specific sector of Christianity-, its message touches the most intimate fibers of those who love Him who is rejected and left standing outside the door. Nor could anyone cease examining oneself in particular to see how, and in what measure, they could be falling into the disgrace of that church.

We have gathered diverse material in this issue -diverse authors, contexts and times-but all with one sense. How does this affect us, and how does the Lord hope we will react to His message to Laodicea? We have added, to the articles of our collaborators, the lucid analysis that Watchman Nee makes of Philadelphia and Laodicea, two united churches, yet so different; and also in the Scottish preacher's inspired text, T. Austin-Sparks gives us the keys to solve one of the serious problems of Laodicea: its blindness which prevents it from seeing its lamentable condition.

We finish this third year of the magazine "Aguas Vivas" with a deep sense of gratitude to the Lord to have allowed us to arrive to several thousands of Christians of Hispanic speech. We also thank our readers who have sent us excited words of encouragement on many occasions. We hope-if the Lord pleases-to begin the fourth year of "Aguas Vivas" with a rejuvenated format, with more solid contents and with renovated strength. So that the purpose of "edifying the saints for the work of the ministry" is completed more fully in these days, previous to Lord's glorious coming for his beloved.



The Lord's message to Laodicea is a loving complaint to a church that once walked with its Lord, but now has went away from him.
Rolando Figueroa

The syndrome of Laodicea (2)
The danger of falling in "gnosis".
Eliseo Apablaza

The Testimony of God
God requires an appropriate testimony in the earth in order to express himself and carry out his purposes.
Rodrigo Abarca

The Land That Drinks The Rain
What fruit are we producing for God? It is necessary to be attentive, and not to be that land which produces thorns and thistles.
Gonzalo Sepúlveda

The Point of Encounter with God
For Israel, God's chosen place to meet with His people was the Temple, but for the Christian it is not a place but a Person: Jesus Christ.
Roberto Sáez


The Man Who Receives Spiritual Sight
The greatest need today for Christians and the church is to receive light from God. What requirements must the Christian fulfill to be enlightened?
T. Austin-Sparks

Philadelphia & Laodicea
Philadelphia and Laodicea are two churches that represent two different areas of Christianity.
Watchman Nee

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